


辽宁中医药大学官网,www.lnutcm.edu.cn大学Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (LNUTCM) was founded in 1958 and located in the capital city of Liaoning province – Shenyang, and her branch campus is placed in the seaside city – Dalian. LNUTCM is the only university which provides the education and training related to Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Chinese Massage, Clinical Discipline of Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine, Senior Nursing and other medical disciplines in Liaoning province. LNUTCM has won many rewards and titles, such as the National Advanced Collective of Disciplinary Inspection & Supervision, Liaoning Province of Advanced Grass-roots Party Organizations, Liaoning Province of Advanced Collective, Liaoning Province of Advanced Unit of Civilization, Liaoning Province of May First Labor Award, the Modern School of Management with Law, Safe and Civilized Campus in China, etc.↘After a half century of development and construction, LNUTCM has formed her own characteristics which primarily focuses on the cultivation of Chinese medical talents for international exchanges, the talents with innovative ability and the talents of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). At present, over 10,000 full-time students are studying at LNUTCM. LNUTCM is a comprehensive university which composes 16 associate colleges (such as College of Basic Medicine and College of Clinical Dentistry), two teaching department (Social Scientific Department and Military Sports Department), two experimental & teaching centers, three research institutes, six research centers, two libraries and one museum. There are 31 undergraduate programs within five disciplines (i.e. medicine, science, engineering, management and culture), including one nationally key discipline, one provincially key TCM discipline (contains 13 secondary disciplines), one provincially high-level of key discipline, two provincially characteristic & preponderant of key disciplines. Moreover, there are 21 provincially key TCM disciplines, three centers for post-doctoral studies, two first-class graduate programs, eight secondary class graduate programs, three first-class mater programs, 18 secondary class master programs, four national level feature majors, one experimental plot of national talents, one nationally teaching team, three nationally classic courses, eight provincially model (characteristic) subjects, three provincially special brand subjects, three provincially experimental demonstration centers, nine provincially teaching teams, 31 provincially classic courses, 11 provincially teaching materials, 19 basic labs and special superiority of experimental projects established by both central and local governments, 11 third class scientific research labs of State Administration of TCM, 20 secondary class scientific research labs of State Administration of TCM and 15 provincial laboratories and engineering centers at LNUTCM. Besides, LNUTCM has the rights to judge the qualification of professors in Chinese medicine, pharmacy, and integration of Chinese & Western medicine. One nationally outstanding teacher, five provincially outstanding teachers, five provincially specialist science leaders, one nationally TCM doctor, 19 doctors who are guided by nationally veteran doctors of TCM, 26 provincially TCM doctors, two government’s excellent specialists, 49 specialists are enjoying the particular allowance of the State Council, 17 first level specialists of provincially million talent project, 46 secondary level specialists of provincially million talent project, ten specialists of provincial 315 project are working at LNUTCM. Finally, LNUTCM owns four direct affiliated hospitals, the first affiliated hospital is one of the national TCM clinical research base, ten key specialized subject and special disease treatment centers authorized by State Administration of TCM, 19 provincially key specialized subject and special disease treatment centers, four indirect affiliated hospitals and 40 training hospitals and hospitals for internships.↘LNUTCM has taken different kind of researching responsibilities, such as the key technology of clinical trials with new Chinese drugs authorized by Ministry of Science and Technology and the nationally clinical trial of medicine certified by State Food and Drug Administration. In addition, LNUTCM is the key examination center or education base of many national and international organizations (i.e., the examination center of Nationally Practitioner Qualification Examination specialized by State Administration of TCM, one of the four foreign language training centers, the center of database technology in TCM literature, the international cooperation center of TCM, education and examination center WFAS of in Liaoning province and the examination center and test committee of WFCMS).LNUTCM is also one of the Chinese universities which are authorized to recruit international students and the students from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Currently, LNTCM has establish the cooperative relationships with more than 80 universities or organizations in over 20 countries, such as the United State, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, the UK, Canada, Australia, etc.↘It is important on the cultural development of Chinese medicine for LNUTCM.As the key research center for social sciences of Liaoning province, LNTUCN has devotes huge resources on the construction of model base of national TCM education to carry forward the traditional Chinese culture and Chinese medicine and explore the future of medical technology combined with the model of human development, the culture of Chinese medicine, TCM literature research, academic teaching and clinical research. Based in Liaoning, LNUTCM has radiated its profound influence across the whole country and even the whole world. LNUTCM will take more responsibilities for promoting TCM culture worldwide, developing the international exchanges of TCM and creating the personnel training center of high-level TCM talents.↘In the processes of innovation and development of LNUTCM, the education concept of “do not seek the biggest, but to the best and strongest” was set up; the strategy of “Basing on subjects, strengthening by talents, growing with technologies” was implemented and the university’s connotation construction was strengthened. LNUTCM has shaped her own characteristics and advantages. LNUTCM also contributed a lot to the revitalization of old industrial base of Liaoning. For carrying forward and developing TCM, the goal of LNUTCM is to be the domestic first-class, internationally renowned Chinese medical university.↘
经过50多年的发展,辽宁中医药大学在国际交流型中医药人才、实验创新型人才、传统中医人才培养方面形成了自己的办学特色。学校现有在校生万余人,有基础医学院、临床学院等16个学院,社会科学部、军事体育教研部2个教学部,2个教学实验中心,3个研究院、6个研究所、2个图书馆、1个博物馆;设置医、理、工、管、文5个学科门类,31个本科专业或专业方向;有1个国家重点学科,12个国家中医药管理局重点学科,1个省一流重点学科(含13个二级学科)、1个省高水平重点学科、2个省优势特色重点学科、21个省中医药重点学科;3个博士后科研流动站、2个一级学科博士学位授权学科、8个二级学科博士学位授权点、3个一级学科硕士学位授权学科、18个二级学科硕士学位授权点;4个国家级特色专业建设点、1个国家人才培养模式创新实验区、1个国家教学团队、3门国家精品课程,8个省示范(特色)专业、3个省品牌专业,3个省实验教学示范中心、9个省教学团队、31门省精品课程、11部省精品教材;19个中央与地方共建基础实验室、特色优势实验室项目;11个国家中医药管理局科研三级实验室、20个国家中医药管理局科研二级实验室、15个省重点实验室及工程中心;有中医、药学和中西医结合3个学科的教授评审权;有国家名师1人、省名师5人、省专业带头人5人;国医大师1人,全国老中医药专家学术经验继承指导教师19人,省名医26人,国家百千万人才工程2人;享受国务院特殊津贴专家49人;省百千万人才工程百人层次17人,千人层次46人,省315工程人才10人;附属医院是国家中医临床研究基地;4所直属附属医院有国家中医药管理局重点专科、专病医疗中心10个,省重点专科、专病医疗中心19个;另有4所非直属附属医院、40所教学医院、实习医院。 辽宁中医药大学是国家科技部确定的中药新药临床试验关键技术及平台研究的建设单位,是国家食品药品监督管理局指定的国家药物临床试验机构,是国家中医药管理局确定的全国中医师资格认证中心考试工作基地、全国四大外语培训基地之一和全国中医药文献检索查新分中心、中医药国际合作基地,是世界针灸协会联合会辽宁教育基地暨考试分部,是世界中医药联合会考试与测评委员会筹委会副主委单位,是国家首批有条件接收外国留学生、港澳台学生的高等院校之一。目前,学校与美国、新加坡、日本、韩国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚等20多个国家和地区的80多个大学或机构建立了合作关系。 在改革中不断前进的辽宁中医药大学,本着“不求最大,但求最强”的办学理念,实施“学科立校、人才强校、科技兴校”战略,全面加强内涵建设,形成了自己的特色和优势,在振兴辽宁老工业基地方面发挥了应有的作用,为祖国中医药事业的传承和发扬做出应有的贡献,正向着国内一流、国际知名的中医药大学目标昂首迈进

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