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Lisa Blue
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Lisa BlueLisa Blue began with one girl’s dream’.

A few years ago I, Lisa Burke, traveled to Tonga with the sole purpose to swim with humpback whales. I came face to face with these 15 meters, 20 tonne, gentle, ancient giants of the ocean.

No words can describe this experience.

The mother and baby whale approached me.

The baby came so close to me as though to touch me that I backed up. The eyes, only a foot away, looked straight into my soul. My heart burst open. In that moment I promised that I would do what I could to help protect them and their environment. In spite of the history of humans killing these angelic beings they look at us with such immense unconditional love.

Two years later, in Byron Bay, after I had been ill for several months and so had not been in the water, I saw whales near the horizon about 6 kms away. At the time I had no fitness, was frail, underweight (due to having been seriously unwell) and was very sad.

I decided to paddle out on my surf board to get a closer look.

I paddled out about 2 kms and at that point could see the whales breaching a couple of kms away. From my heart I began to call the whales. I longed to be close to them. After about an hour of being out there I decided that I was kidding myself and began to head back to shore.

I turned to paddle and wondered how on earth I got out so far.

After several strokes I stopped to rest. And for some reason I turned my head around. About 3 metres from me a whale surfaced and looked me directly in the eye. I screamed with joy!

An eagle circled above and a stingray appeared also.

I was so elated I powered back to shore.

I got my sign.

I remembered my promise.

It was time to take action.

I decided to not give into my illness and I flew to Bali to surf.

After having surfed two seasons in Oz I felt I was ready for Bali.I was dropped off by a canoe 2 kms into the ocean (high tide) at a reef break, named Airport Middles, to be faced with 15 foot waves. I was shaking with fear and excitement.

I managed to ride a ten footer and then got ‘majorly’ wiped out. It felt like I was under water forever. No wonder there were only five blokes out there.

It was on of the greatest moments of my life. And the fact that I was a 37 year old, single mother beginner was sensational. That day I felt I could do anything.

I thought about my promise to the baby whale.

Sitting out on my board in the ocean I pondered– “Surfing, fashion, whales, dolphins, swimwear, modeling…”..-hence began my plan to create a swimwear label that could help protect the whales and the dolphins. From the Blue was born my dream.

One of our pro female surfers in Byron told me that the greatest female surfer in the world will be the girl who can surf the big waves and be feminine and sexy at the same time. I see ‘surfing’ as a metaphor for life.

‘Lisa Blue’ represents the girl of the future who can be sexy, beautiful, powerful and environmentally aware at the same time. She is not afraid to share her beauty with the world and so shows other girls that they too can shine.

Lisa Blue澳大利亚lisablue.com.au

本公司历年来不断地改进、创新七个生产分公司:沭河农业科技装备有限公司、重工科技有限公司、铸业有限公司、迈金农生态肥业有限公司、电子科技有限公司、生物科技有限公司、力士德机械有限公司。现有职工4200余人,工业园区占地100万平方米,总资产过10亿元lisablue.com.auLisa Blue官网,2004年通过欧盟CE认证。2006年通过ISO9001-2000质量管理体系的复审认证。并成为清华大学校企合作委员会成员单位之一。京山轻机于1998年6月在深圳证券交易所上市,是国内纸制品包装机械行业唯一一家上市企业

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